Carlos Onete Coelho Moreira, Joana de Fátima Ferreira Borges da Costa, Mariana Ferreira Leal, Edilson Ferreira d
Lymphocyte proliferation stimulated by activated Cebus apella macrophages treated with a complex homeopathic immune response modifiers
Homeopathy, 2012, 101 (1), 74-79

e Andrade,Alexandre Pingarilho Rezende, Aline Amaral Imbeloni, José Augusto Pereira Carneiro Muniz, Marília de Arruda Cardoso Smith, Rommel Rodríguez Burbano, Paulo Pimentel de AssumpçãoCanova is a complex homeopathic medicine that enhances a specific immunologic responses against several exogenous and endogenous conditions. Canova activates macrophages both in vivo and in vitro.Aim and method - We evaluated the effects of macrophages activated by Canova in vivo and ex vitro in the proliferation of lymphocytes. Canova was used to activate Cebus apella macrophages in vivo or ex vitro with Canova. Lymphocytes were cultured with the macrophage culture medium. The analysis of Canova effects in cultured lymphocytes was performed according to the cell cycle phase using flow cytometry. The Interferon gamma and Interleukin-5 cytokines quantification in these lymphocyte culture media was performed by Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).Results - We observed that Canova actives macrophages in vivo and ex vitro. The lymphocytes cultured in a supplemented medium with macrophages activated by Canova treatment presented a higher number of proliferation cells than lymphocytes not exposed to macrophages activated by Canova. The Interferon gamma and Interleukin-5 cytokines were only observed in the medium of lymphocytes exposed to macrophages activated by Canova. Thus, Canova has potential as a new adjuvant therapy.