Elio Rossi, Mariella Di Stefano, Sonia Baccetti, Fabio Firenzuoli, Marco Verdone, Mario Facchini, Vuk Stambolovich, Martha Perez
International cooperation in support of homeopathy and complementary medicine in developing countries: the Tuscan experience
Homeopathy, 2010, 99 (4), 278-283

Health is a fundamental human right which contributes to reducing poverty, and encourages social development, human safety, and economic growth. International initiatives have fallen far short of their goals. This paper describes collaboration between the region of Tuscany and Cuba, Western Sahara, Senegal and Serbia. These have introduced various forms of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, including homeopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine into primary healthcare particularly obstetrics, and into veterinary medicine.Complementary and traditional medicine can represent a useful and sustainable resource in various fields of health care. Inclusion in the public health system must go hand in hand with scientific evaluation.