Insights from a Decade of ‘Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy’

The Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI) is a UK-based organization, dedicated to generating and communicating high-quality research in homeopathy at an international level. HRI also aims to promote fairness and objectivity in how the evidence for homeopathy is used and evaluated, especially by those who are new to this specialist field. Our biennial research conferences play a key role in achieving these aims. In June 2023, HRI held its fifth conference on the theme: ‘Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy’. Alongside our conference report[1] and abstracts,[2] this guest Editorial provides a timely opportunity to reflect on a decade of HRI conferences and ask not only, ‘How has the homeopathy research sector evolved over this period?’, but also, ‘Where is homeopathy research heading, as we look to the future?’. Ten years ago, at the time of our inaugural conference, there were numerous claims that ‘there is no evidence’ for homeopathy and ‘it’s just placebo’. The main aim of HRI Barcelona 2013 was therefore a simple one – to physically demonstrate the existence of homeopathy research; not just the evidence itself, but also the existence of an established community of researchers, affirming its legitimacy as a scientific field.[3]
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