In memory of Peter Fisher

Peter Fisher left us in the consequences of a car accident. The Italian Society of Homeopathy and Integrated Medicine greet him, expressing closeness to the family and is close to the community of homeopaths all over the world in a moment of mourning so painful.
Peter Fisher was a great homeopath and an exponent of Integrated Medicine. Among the many roles held in his brilliant career, he had also been part of the scientific committee of the Center of Integrated Medicine of the Hospital of Pitigliano and we can not fail to mention that a few months after the opening of our Center he changed the name of his hospital in the Royal London hospital for Integrated Medicine.
Peter was a doctor and a researcher so big that you can not tell his life in a few lines. The emptiness that leaves is enormous. We greet our friend with great pain in our hearts.
The SIOMI Council
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