Homeopathy for Symptoms both Common and Rare

The potential of homeopathy in managing commonly seen medical symptoms and conditions is highlighted by articles in the current issue of the journal. In her review article on menopausal syndrome, Dr Emma Macías-Cortés emphasises that knowing the biology of the neuroendocrine changes associated with the menopause can help to inform the rationale for specific homeopathic prescribing, suggesting also how and where in the body those medicines might act.[1] The fact that 5% of the world’s population is projected to have pre-diabetes by the year 2030 prompted Dr Nilanjana Guha and colleagues to undertake a randomised controlled trial (RCT) on the topic: compared with placebo, individually prescribed homeopathic medicines showed some improvement in fasting blood sugar levels, though not in glucose tolerance, indicating that homeopathy might offer modest benefit.[2] For the animal kingdom, mastitis–metritis–agalactia (MMA) is a commonly seen syndrome in post-partum sows: in an RCT of homeopathic prophylaxis, however, Dr Kathrin Büttner et al did not detect any improvement in occurrence of MMA in sows that received a combination of two specialised complex homeopathic remedies.[3]
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