Kirtee Wani, Nilesh Shah, Asmita Prabhune, Arun Jadhav, Prabhakar Ranjekar, Ruchika Kaul-Ghanekar
Evaluating the anticancer activity and nanoparticulate nature of homeopathic preparations of Terminalia chebula
Homeopathy, 2016, 105 (4), 318-326

Homeopathic globules are commonly used in clinical practice, while research focuses on liquid potencies. Sequential dilution and succussion in their production process has been proposed to change the physico-chemical properties of the solvent(s). It has been reported that aqueous potencies of various starting materials showed significant differences in ultraviolet light transmission compared to controls and between different dilution levels. The aim of the present study was to repeat and expand these experiments to homeopathic globules.
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