Archivio: English News
“Manifesto” on Integrated Medicine

Integrated Medicine promotes alliance among healthcare resources all harmonised together in a non-contradictory manner, accrued in various disciplines belonging to different areas and cultural backgrounds, and today known as Biomedicine and CAM ... [Leggi...]
HIMed – Special number

A Special Number of HIMed on the Manifesto of Integrated Medicine.... [Leggi...]
CAM therapies in Italian Pediatrics

According to the official data provided by the Ministry of Health, in Italy about 8 million citizens make use of one or more Complementary or Integrated Medicines. Several studies have been conducted in order to quantify the use of and interest in CA... [Leggi...]
A commemoration for Patricia Le Roux

Words fail and are inadequate, Dear Colleagues and Friends, for the sad message I have to deliver to you all. On Saturday 15th of October 2011 Doctor Patricia Leroux left us after a terrible traffic accident in Paris. Born in Lyon in 1958, educated i... [Leggi...]
Brief comment to Against homeopathy, a utilitarian perspective

While Smith claims to explore the topic scientifically; already the title of his paper reveals the bias of the author: “Against homeopathy ” does not reflect the attitude of an independent scientist. Smith states that many of the symptoms... [Leggi...]