Archivio: Pubblicazioni
Complementary Medicine, Refusal of Conventional Cancer Therapy, and Survival Among Patients With Curable Cancers

Importance - There is limited information on the association among complementary medicine (CM), adherence to conventional cancer treatment (CCT), and overall survival of patients with cancer who receive CM compared with those who do not receive CM. O... [Leggi...]
Musings on Patient Care and Polarization AfterJAMA Oncology’sErroneous Report That Complementary Medicine Kills

If I position myself as a consumer of oncology services – I am one - I would find myself extremely confused by recent media on the use of cancer-related treatment that is a complement to typical treatment but not typically part of mainst... [Leggi...]
An Assessment of a Public Health Initiative of Homeopathy for Primary Teething

Background - During primary teething, children suffer from running nose, mild fever, diarrhoea and other mild irritations and inflammations. A public health programme, ‘Homoeopathy for the Healthy Child’, was undertaken on a pilot basis focusing ... [Leggi...]
Reasons for Use of and Experiences with Homeopathic Treatment as an Adjunct to Usual Cancer Care: Results of a Small Qualitative Study

Background - A significant proportion of patients with cancer consult with homeopaths. No former qualitative study has reported on experiences with homeopathy in this patient group. This study aimed to learn about the reasons for, and experiences wit... [Leggi...]
Biological Actions, Electrical Conductance and Silicon-Containing Microparticles of Arsenicum Album Prepared in Plastic and Glass Vials

Introduction - According to the “silica hypothesis” formulated to explain homeopathy, the information of starting materials would be transferred to cells by silica nanoparticles detached from the glassware walls by serial dilution and agitation t... [Leggi...]
Electronic Registration in Complementary/Homeopathic Medical Practice with Identification of ‘Best Homeopathic Cases’: A Pilot Study

Background - Practice-based registration could identify ‘general’ and ‘homeopathic’ prognostic factors for therapeutic success in patients who seek complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)/homeopathic treatment. Identification of ‘best ... [Leggi...]
Immune and Antioxidant Enzyme Response of Longfin Yellowtail (Seriola rivoliana) Juveniles to Ultra-diluted Substances Derived from Phosphorus, Silica and Pathogenic Vibrio

Background - This research aimed to observe the effect of homeopathic treatments prepared from Vibrio parahaemolyticus and V. alginolyticus (H1) and commercial homeopathic medication Phosphoricum acidum and Silicea terra (H2) on the immune and antiox... [Leggi...]
Homeopathy Seen as Personalised Nanomedicine

Among all the discoveries of Hahnemann, potentisation was the most important, though controversial. The curative effect of individualised homeopathic potencies is empirical but inexplicable by the conventional principles of science. This paradox is a... [Leggi...]
A Study of Siberia’s Medicinal Plants Used in Homeopathy

Background - A current priority of national health care in Russia is to expand the range of drug substances, based on naturally occurring compounds, to use for treating socially significant diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Object... [Leggi...]
Clinical Safety of Combined Targeted and Viscum album L. Therapy in Oncological Patients

Background: Despite improvement of tumor response rates, targeted therapy may induce toxicities in cancer patients. Recent studies indicate amelioration of adverse events (AEs) by add-on mistletoe (Viscum album L., VA) in standard oncological treatme... [Leggi...]