Archivio: Pubblicazioni
The physical features – size and granularity – of solid materials are strongly affected by trituration in lactose, before turning them into homeopathic solutions

Trituration is a mechanical process (a form of comminution) for reducing the particle size of a substance. In this manuscript, six different Raw Solid Materials (RSM) which are used in Homeopathy after successive grindings are studied before they are... [Leggi...]
Impact of a homeopathic medication on upper respiratory tract infections in COPD patients: Results of an observational, prospective study (EPOXILO)

Background - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive lung disorder in which airflow is obstructed. Viral or bacterial upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) may lead to exacerbations. Homeopathic medication administration to... [Leggi...]
Evolution of homeopathy – A scientometric analysis of global homeopathy literature between 1975 and 2017

Objective - Scientometrics is the evaluation of scientific literature in a certain field. Although popularity and use of homeopathy have increased in the recent years, scientific literature lacks a bibliometric or scientometric evaluation of homeopat... [Leggi...]
How target-orientated is the use of homeopathy in dairy farming?—A survey in France, Germany and Spain

Background - Veterinary remedies are intended to support animals in their recovery from diseases. Treatment outcome depends not only on the general effectiveness of the remedies themselves, but also on other prerequisites. This is true for antibiotic... [Leggi...]
Nineteenth-Century Homeopathic Materia Medica Texts Predict Source Materials Whose Physiological Actions Influence Thyroid Activity

Introduction - The homeopathic materia medica contains hundreds of thousands of observations collected over the course of two centuries. It includes both clinical observations of potentized medicines and observations of the actions of potentized medi... [Leggi...]
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised, Other-than-Placebo Controlled, Trials of Non-Individualised Homeopathic Treatment

Introduction - This study focuses on randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of non-individualised homeopathic treatment (NIHT) in which the control (comparator) group was other than placebo (OTP). Objectives - To determine the comparative effectiveness ... [Leggi...]
Efficacy of a Homeopathic Medicine of Capsicum frutescens L. (Solanaceae) in the Treatment of Hot Flashes in Menopausal Women: A Phase-2 Randomized Controlled Trial

Background - Hot flashes are common in women during menopause, and are an important cause of discomfort, increasing the number of medical appointments. Hormone replacement therapy is an effective treatment, but it can bring undesirable consequences. ... [Leggi...]
Phenomenological Characterization of Low-Potency Homeopathic Preparations by Means of Pattern Formation in Evaporating Droplets

Background - Evaporation-induced pattern formation in droplets has been applied to test effects of high potencies. Here we propose for the first time the droplet evaporation method (DEM) as a tool to characterize low potencies on a qualitative and qu... [Leggi...]
Effects of Homeopathic Preparations of Mercurius corrosivus on the Growth Rate of Severely Mercury-Stressed Duckweed Lemna gibba L.

Background - We developed a bioassay with mercury-stressed duckweed (Lemna gibba L.) to study potential effects of homeopathically potentised mercury(II) chloride (Mercurius corrosivus [Merc-c.]). The response of this bioassay to homeopathic treatmen... [Leggi...]
Isopathic Use of Auto-Sarcode of DNA as Anti-Miasmatic Homeopathic Medicine and Modulator of Gene Expression?

Introduction - In addition to the four pillars of homeopathy, vitalism and the miasmatic theory are often used to explain the health–disease process. According to Hahnemann's concepts, homeopathic miasms are the main obstacle to the cure of chronic... [Leggi...]