Luciana M. de Medeiros, Anthony F. Fransway, James S. Taylor, Ma

Complementary and alternative remedies: an additional source of potential systemic nickel exposure

Contact Derm, 2008, 58 (2), 97-100

Background: Systemic contact dermatitis from nickel has been reported from a number of sources including medical devices and following experimental oral exposure.Objective: To identify other potential sources of systemic nickel exposure.Methods: The internet and published medical literature were searched for complementary and alternative remedies which contain nickel.Results: We identified and evaluated sources of nickel exposure in 4 homeopathic preparations, which are advertised to treat common skin diseases, as well as in a number of other homeopathic remedies, several herbal products and multivitamin mineral complexes.Conclusion: Complementary and alternative remedies are an additional source of systemic nickel exposure and at highest doses the potential risk for systemic contact dermatitis in nickel allergic patients should be considered.Systemic contact dermatitis (SCD) to nickel has been reported mainly following placement of dental braces (1), orthopedic prostheses (2), and venous catheters (3) as well as following oral exposure experimentally in nickel-sensitive individuals (4). We recently identified several potential new sources of nickel exposure in complementary and alternative remedies (CAR).