David S. Spence, Elizabeth A. Thompson, S.J. Barron

Homeopathic Treatment for Chronic Disease: A 6-Year, University-Hospital Outpatient Observational Study

JCAM, 2005, 11 (5), 793-798


Objective: The aim of this study was to assess health changes seen in routine homeopathic care for patients with a wide range of chronic conditions who were referred to a hospital outpatient department.Design: This was an observational study of 6544 consecutive follow-up patients during a 6-year period.Setting: Hospital outpatient unit within an acute National Health Service (NHS) Teaching Trust in the United Kingdom.Participants: Every patient attending the hospital outpatient unit for a follow-up appointment over the study period was included, commencing with their first follow-up attendance.Main outcome measure: Outcomes were based on scores on a 7-point Likert-type scale at the end of the consultation and were assessed as overall outcomes compared to the initial baseline assessments.Results: A total of 6544 consecutive follow-up patients were given outcome scores. Of the patients 70.7% (n = 4627) reported positive health changes, with 50.7% (n = 3318) recording their improvement as better (+2) or much better (+3).Conclusions: Homeopathic intervention offered positive health changes to a substantial proportion of a large cohort of patients with a wide range of chronic diseases. Additional observational research, including studies using different designs, is necessary for further research development in homeopathy.