Individualised Homeopathic Treatment of Acne—An Analysis of 83 Patients

Background - Acne is a common disorder of the pilosebaceous follicle. The face, back and chest are usually involved. It leads to significant diminution in quality of life. Numerous treatments are documented in therapeutic guidelines. Naturopathic approaches have been proposed in some, but the role of homeopathy is not examined. Methods - In this study, 83 patients treated for acne with individualised homeopathic medicine alone were reviewed. Most had received conventional acne treatment, with limited success prior to presentation for homeopathy. Each patient was prescribed a single homeopathic medicine and followed up at 6- to 8-week intervals. The individualisation process resulted in 17 different medicines being used in this group. Photographic documentation was obtained per patient, with informed consent. Patients were classified as mild (comedonal acne with no papules or pustules), moderate (inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions) and severe (predominantly inflammatory lesions: pustules, cysts, nodules). Results of treatment were recorded as remission (decrease in new lesion number, duration and intensity), failure to respond, and lost to follow-up (LTF). Results - The average age of patients was 21.5 years (range 11–45 years). The F:M ratio was 55 (66.3%):28 (33.7%). Average pre-treatment duration was 5.5 years (0.25–22 years). Seven (8.4%) patients had mild acne, 37 (44.6%) moderate, and 39 (47%) severe acne. There were 13 (15.7%) LTFs, two (2.4%) failed to respond, and 68 (81.9%) went into remission. Average time to remission was 1.9 months (range 1.5–6 months), with no relapses or side-effects. The most commonly prescribed medicines were Lycopodium (38.6%), Palladium (15.7%) and Platinum (12.1%). Conclusion - Individualised homeopathy may be useful for acne therapy. The most useful medicines appeared to be Lycopodium, Palladium and Platinum, though 17 different medicines were used in this study, underscoring the value of individualisation of therapy, a key characteristic of homeopathy.
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