Five Years of Practical Experience Using the Revised Proving Guidelines of the Homœopathic Pharmacopœia Convention of the United States

The Homœopathic Pharmacopœia of the United States (HPUS) is one of the three officially recognized compendia of medical drugs in the United States. A well-conducted homeopathic proving is one pathway to entry into the HPUS. In 2013, guidelines for homeopathic drug provings were updated to better assess the methodology of provings and improve the confidence in the outcomes generated. In addition, the team who developed the revised guidelines included a pragmatic approach to assess the quality of proving outcomes in terms of their usefulness in determining the therapeutic profile. The monograph review team, composed of homeopathic clinicians and researchers, has evaluated 25 new homeopathic medicines for monograph purposes. The team has noted that the guidelines have helped frame and standardize the monograph review process. The revised structure for monograph reporting has enhanced the reviewer’s ability to ascertain the therapeutic profile for a new substance. Sponsors have stated that the new guidelines have helped increase their conformance with Good Clinical Practices, helped improve the reporting and transparency of their provings, and may help safeguard provings as a valid research method. Similar harmonized guidelines have been adopted by the European Committee for Homeopathy and the Liga Medicorum Homœopathica Internationalis.
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