Rajendra Prakash Upadhyay
The Materialist View of Homeopathy: An Alternative Hypothesis and the Connection with Hormesis
Homeopathy, 2018, 107 (1), 46-49

In a recent article entitled, “Metal nanoparticle induced hormetic activation: A novel mechanism of homeopathic medicines,”[1] Chikramane et al have considered source-drug material as an essential active ingredient, even in high dilutions (potencies) of homeopathic medicine. This concept is causing much confusion in the understanding of homeopathic medicine itself. Hence, it is critical first to undertake a detailed analysis of the concept before any endeavour to understand the observed hormetic activation. Chikramane et al formed this concept in their earlier work titled “Extreme homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials: A nanoparticulate perspective.”[2] They studied six metal-based homeopathic medicines in three potencies, namely 6C, 30C and 200C. These medicines, prepared by two different manufacturers, were purchased from standard commercial outlets. In most of these increasing high dilutions, they unexpectedly found their source-drug metals were still present and often imbedded in nanoparticles present in them.[2] To explain it, they hypothesised that during preparation of a potency, after succussion, all the source-drug nanoparticulate metal floats on the surface with the help of nanobubbles forming a monolayer. This monolayer forms 1% of the total volume but contains all the source-drug metal; and all of this monolayer is poured out into a new vial as ‘seed’ for preparing its higher potency, thus retaining the source-drug.[2] [3]
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