Ananthalakshmi Ramamoorthy, Sunitha Janardhanan, Sathiyajeeva Jeevakarunyam, Nadheem Jeddy and Senthil Eagappan
Integrative Oncology in Indian Subcontinent: An Overview
J Clin Diagn Res, 2015, 9 (3), XE01-XE03

Integrative oncology is a combination of one where complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) with conventional cancer treatment modalities is used to manage symptoms, control side-effects and improve the state of mental wellbeing. The ancient Indian medicinal approach in cancer treatment and management has a wide array of herbs and practices. There is an increasing demand for traditional and natural medicine by the cancer patients. The conventional oncologic surgeons and physicians should be aware of the role of cCAM that are available in Indian subcontinent and provide a treatment that focuses on the physical and mental state of wellness in combating cancer.