Christian Boiron
Homeopathy, a tremendous opportunity for medicine!
Eur J Int Med, 2010, doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2010.10.001

In his article [1] M. Pandolfi, Homeopathy: ex nihilo fit nihil, Eur J Intern Med 21 (2010), pp. 147–148. Article | PDF (86 K) | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (1)[1], Pandolfi denigrates homeopathy and its practitioners, and abusively generalising from the reports of just a few patients or physicians that he has come across!This attitude seems, to me, to be rather un-scientific.Personally, I do not recognise myself at all in his descriptions.Yet mine is a fairly privileged standpoint from which to testify to the situation of homeopathy, because I was born 63 years ago into a family that dedicated itself to this field...